The Ultimate Patient’s Guide to TMS Therapy

TMS Therapy is an innovative, non-invasive treatment option for those suffering from depression. It involves delivering magnetic pulses to certain brain areas to stimulate nerve cells that may be underactive. This form of therapy has been found to effectively reduce symptoms of depression, often with fewer side effects than traditional medications.

Those considering TMS Therapy to understand how it works and what the process entails. In this “Ultimate Patient’s Guide to TMS Therapy,” we’ll provide an overview of this treatment option, including its efficacy and safety information, as well as advice on what questions you should ask your doctor before starting a course of TMS Therapy. Additionally, we’ll provide helpful tips on preparing for your sessions and managing potential side effects during treatment.

Background of TMS

In psychiatry, there are two major treatments for depression: electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Both treatments are effective in helping to relieve symptoms of depression, but that is about where the similarities end.

ECT uses electric shocks delivered to the brain to stimulate it and help relieve depressive symptoms. It is an invasive procedure that requires anesthesia and carries with it some risk of side effects such as memory loss or confusion. In contrast, TMS does not involve any shock to the brain or use anesthesia; instead, a magnetic field is used to stimulate nerve cells in an area of the brain known to be involved in mood regulation without any significant side effects.

TMS Process

Telemedicine is becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare industry, and one of the most common telemedicine services is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). TMS providers can treat various mental health issues by using magnetic pulses to stimulate certain areas of the brain. However, before a patient can begin TMS therapy, their provider must request additional information from their psychiatrist.

For a TMS provider to offer the best care possible, they will need detailed information about their patient’s medical history and current treatment plan. The provider may request your psychiatrist’s notes from your recent sessions and any relevant medical records that could provide insight into why you are seeking treatment.

TMS Side Effects

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment for depression. It involves using a high-energy electromagnetic coil to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. Recent studies have found that TMS has fewer side effects than traditional antidepressant medications. Despite this, two side effects are observed in some people who undergo TMS therapy: headaches during and after treatment and scalp irritation around the treatment site.

Headaches during and after TMS therapy may occur due to muscle tension or activation of the trigeminal nerve, which controls facial sensation. In most cases these headaches are mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription medications as needed by a doctor’s advice.

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